Vinay Gupta -
Video and Audio of the presentation
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Content referenced in the presentation
STAR-TIDES technical introduction - forty page overview, with brief slides describing stoves, solar cookers and so on, plus a comprehensive introduction to distributed infrastructure for SSTR etc.
BRITTLE POWER: ENERGY STRATEGY FOR NATIONAL SECURITY - Amory & Hunter Lovins, 1982. Amazon - discusses why you can't operate or rebuild an electrical grid in a war zone.
Networked Domestic Disaster Response - Vinay Gupta. Using Hexayurts and ICT to temporarily house Americans after an event like the Bay Quake or WMD terrorism.
Severe Panflu Response Strategies (SPRS) - Vinay Gupta.
Covers high fatality rate (CFR) flus, and domestic food security.
Video presentation also available at that link.
Winning the Long Peace - Vinay Gupta. Appropriate technology as foreign policy, general directions for consideration in the context of AFRICOM and similar initiatives. Supported by Facilitating International Development through Free / Open Source.
Envisioning a Leapfrogged World - Vinay Gupta. Discusses "victorian infrastructure" - factories which produce services which are distributed across a pipe and wire harness. Discusses alternatives, and why leapfrogging (for example) sanitation is hard.
Hexayurt Infrastructure Package - basis for the "transportable infrastructure" systems of TIDES. Inspired by autonomous building concepts developed at the Rocky Mountain Institute and needs expressed at the Sustainable Settlements Charrette.
Hexayurt Playa Checklist - insulation-type Hexayurt Building Instructions with links to video clips of specific processes like tape anchors. More general discussion can be found at Hexayurts for the Playa
Hexayurt roof cone construction details from Operation Combined Endeavor 2007. Shows all the hard parts of making a Hexayurt from raw boards in loving detail.
Start to finish Hexayurt construction University of Eindhoven, March 2008. Note this doesn't have close ups of things like tape anchors (we skip tape anchors - bad form!) but does show the end to end process.
Making an 8' hexayurt into a 12' hexayurt (footage from the Pentagon demo, center court of the Pentagon, Nov2007.)
7 minute construction of a two part folding hexayurt in Eindhoven - this is close to the commercial hexayurt Progressive Building Solutions (Justin & Arthur) are working on.
0> Why?
- Strategic
- Humanitarian
- 20-ish million refugees
- one to two decades in the field
- Domestic
- katrina
- bay quake
- nuke
- panflu
1> The Six Ways To Die
- hot
- cold
- thirst
- hunger
- disease / accident
- violence
avoid these and you ought to live
2> Infrastructure
Note that the first 5 of these 6 items are handled by infrastructure. Police and the military handle the last.
3> Granularity of Infrastructure
other granularities are possible
beware interdependency
independent infrastructure gets you away from interdependence
4> existing models
standard humanitarian model draws from old army camps
but there is no supply chain now! == big problems
industrial infrastructure for things like sewage is totally inapplicable
victorian infrastructure - factory, pipe and wire, creates a huge number of new targets
no existing model has the right blend of price, resilience and speed of deployment.
5> TIDES Hardware
- Shelter
- water
- power
- integrated cooking
- cooling/lighting/heating
- sanitation
- Information & Communications Technologies (ICT)
The "default set" of TIDES systems is basically the Hexayurt Infrastructure Package
6> The Hexayurt
supply chains are the key
original spec
refugees, transportable, permanent shelter
tech solution to political problem (long term settlements)
local materials, kinda sorta (local to the country, not local to the village in most cases.)
building system
reflecting away heat
use of the floor as a heat sink
reflective walls for solar cooking and so on
building tips
panel cutting
panel taping
the roof cone problem
how guying the building down makes it rigid